Admission Policy

Admission fees

The non – refundable admission fee is paid only when a new student gains admission to the school, or when a student has been away from the school for more than one academic year and no tuition fees were paid during that time. All new students MUST have their admission and first term/semester’s fees paid before enrollment.

Tuition fees

Withdrawals The school requires three months’ written notice for withdrawals. If no such notice is provided, a term/semester’s fee must be paid in lieu thereof. An exception to this rule may be made at the discretion of the Head of School if withdrawal is due to an unforeseen transfer of parents. In any case, written notice must be given as soon as plans are known.

Extended absences

Where students will be absent for a full term or up to a full academic year, fees must be paid in full for the period of absence if the parent wishes to keep that child’s place at Charter Oak Deglory School. Otherwise, the student will be considered as a new entrant and admitted when a vacancy occurs. In such a case, the admission fee will also be required in addition to the tuition fee. Spots cannot be held for periods of over one year.


All fees are non-refundable in the event a student is expelled, or in any other circumstance.

Fee increases

The Board reserves the right to raise the fees during the school year.